Each bathhouse is a separate tradition of wellness bath procedures. Cossack bath with a brutal vat over a campfire, Finnish sauna with a hydro-massage pool, Russian wooden fonts with cold and hot water, the luxury of an oriental hamam - whatever you choose, the impressions will be unforgettable!
Powerful furnaces provide eco-friendly and comfortable warming up in dome steam rooms, relaxing and improving every cell of your body, carefully adjusted temperature in the soap compartment will allow you to fully enjoy washing, and contrasting water treatments will give vivacity.
Each bathhouse is a separate house built from natural biopositive materials and decorated in the traditions of Russian crafts. Fenced off forest area around the house will allow you to enjoy privacy and privacy. Bath treatments are combined with aromatherapy and relaxation in the relaxation area with a compliment of elite Chinese tea.
Each sauna is designed for a comfortable stay in a family format from 2 to 8 people. For corporate events there is a two-storey sauna "Zhostovo", accommodating up to 30 guests.